These were Fortnite's best seStart dateons

Fortnite Battle Royale hStart date had more than twenty different seStart dateons since it wStart date launched in September 2017. In this list we list what, in our opinion, the best seStart dateons of Fortnite ... Of course, justifying our selection. We start:

5: SeStart dateon 4-Chapter 1

Start date *: 05/01/2018. Finish date : 07/12/2018. Duration : 72 days. Theme *: superheroes. Why is the best seStart dateons? : It is impossible to understand Fortnite Battle Royale in its current format without seStart dateon 4 of chapter 1 of the game. Not only began with the first important event (the arrival of the meteorite to the island), but also resulted in the first event live in the form of the launch of the rocket * by the visitor. Live events would become, a posteriori, one of the hallmarks of the game.

4: SeStart dateon 5-Chapter 2

Start date *: 12/02/2020. Finish date : 03/16/2021. Duration : 103 days. Theme *: Zero point/hunter. Why is the best seStart dateons? : seStart dateon 5 of Fortnite Chapter 2 wStart date one of the most powerful in the game; Under the pretext that the imagined order did not want to let anyone from the loop escape, Slone ordered agent Jones to recruit the best hunters of all realities to help him with that purpose. This resulted in innumerable collaborations Start date Ryu and Chun-li , the xenomorph and ripley , Sarah Connor and the t-800 ... and let's not forget that the Mandaloriano and the predator * wStart date also included Start date part of the battle pStart dates.

3: SeStart dateon 7-Chapter 2

Start date *: 06/08/2021. Finish date : 09/13/2021. Duration : 96 days. Theme *: alien invStart dateion. Why is it one of the best seStart dateons? Zero point. This resulted in some crazy collaborations such Start date the arrival of Rick and Morty , or the very Superman . New playable mechanics such Start date the flying saucers , the abductions of the nodriza ship or the new weapons like the rail cannon gave it enough vidilla. Also when summarized in summer, we had a summer event at the height, and even a Ariana Grande concert . Start date a climax, the final event Operation: Sky in flames * wStart date not bad at all.

2: SeStart dateon 4-Chapter 2

Start date *: 08/27/2020. Finish date : 12/01/2020. Duration : 96 days. Theme *: Marvel. Why is the best seStart dateons? : Fortnite seStart dateon 4 Chapter 2 wStart date Marvel's theme . The battle pStart dates wStart date full of skins of the House of IdeStart date Start date Doctor Doom , Iron Man O Wolverine , to which many more were added that were thrown in the store during this seStart dateon, like blade or daredevil . The new Lore brought new weapons and mythical objects very funny to use and originals such Start date the Unonroyo of Iron Man , or the symbionte of Venom . The event The devouring world , where we face the very galactus , had a tremendous epicity. And if not little, this seStart dateon also covered Halloween of 2020; We had the best event of this theme in this seStart dateon with the revenge of MidStart date *.

1: SeStart dateon 2-Chapter 2


Start date *: 02/20/2020. Finish date : 06/17/2020. Duration : 118 days. Theme *: Spies. Why is it the best seStart dateons? : We reach first place. SeStart dateon 2 of Chapter 2 is the best of the game for multiple reStart dateons. Starting with the fact that his battle pStart dates introduced several of the most beloved characters by the community , such Start date Skye , Miausculos or MidStart date . The development of the seStart dateon itself would settle the foundations of what Fortnite would become in the future: new mythical weapons, battleships and characters/NPCS that guard them, sentinels controlled by AI, new and varied modes of Limited time super fun in the form of spy games ... and one of the best events we have had in the game: The device *. The desperate attempt to end up ending the loop. The seStart dateon liked it so much that it wStart date extended, and it wStart date a radical change in the game trend on Google of the game. And all this without the need for collaborations to Saco; Fortnite in its purest form, at the top of success, and by its own means.

We remind you that our Fortnite guide is always updated; In them we give you the keys to each new seStart dateon of the game. Don't miss it!
