Three games for the price of two: Nintendo Switch

Do you want to expand your games' repertoire? At Media Market and Saturn you buy three games for the popular console at a bargain price as part of a Nintendo Switch action until January 23, 2022 (23:59). Because: The price of the cheapest games is removed directly in the shopping cart. You can choose from 52 different switch tracks. The savings depend on their bundle composition (all prices and information - as of 21 January 2022).

Nintendo Switch action at Media Market & Saturn

  • Secure three games for the price of two
  • 52 Current and older games are available
  • Offer applies only while stocks last

Media Market & Saturn: Offer for Switch fans

Games for the popular Nintendo console are mostly relatively expensive. As a rule, there are between 40 and 50 euros for a game. With the ongoing switch action, Media Market and Saturn have a real gamer highlight at the start! When buying three games, you get the cheapest in the shopping cart to zero tariff. From 52 titles, you compete your wish collar together. The offer ranges from new hits like the HD remake of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword to switch classics such as Super Mario Odyssey.

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